If it’s your first role in cyber or you’re a CISO pioneer, our consultants are experts in cyber security which is a game-changer when you’re considering a new career path. We work with you to overcome the common pains of a cyber professional and work with you to design a future with a business that will catapult your career.

Creating partnerships, not placements.
Shaping relationships, not transactions.

Your candidate experience is at the forefront of everything we do, you take your role seriously and so do we. We know you are in the top 10% of the Cyber Security elite, and we can offer you opportunities that will enhance your ability even more so. Putting the right people, in the right place to create something exceptional is at the heart of every candidate approach we make. We appreciate extraordinary talent and are proud to represent it.

Our Candidate Consultation Programme means we take time to truly understand what makes you tick, your plans for the future and cater to what you really want in your Cyber Security Career.


Candidate Consultation Programme

We are passionate about people. Aligning your professional plans with your personal plans are the two constants that can create the perfect partnership. Our Candidate Consultation Programme works to help you figure out an effective and realistic way to deliver to your goals; it’s straightforward succession planning, and we have a unique pool of opportunities that can and will make it work.

Collectively we have over 50 years of experience. If you need career advice, there are no better experts to guide you beyond the traditional org chart. Book a candidate consultation session with us today. The future of Cyber Security is exciting, it’s only logical that your future in Cyber Security should follow suit.

book a candidate consultation call with us

Chief Information Security Officer?

CISO talent is Cyber Security’s most valuable commodity today. As a result, we have spent the past 20 years harnessing strong relationships with elite businesses which has allowed us to exclusively work with high ranking CISO roles and build a trusted network of senior security executives.

As one of the most influential and important cybersecurity positions in the field, we are confident in our ability to use our experience and expertise (alongside some help from our incredible tech stack) to attract, recruit and retain high-impact board-level security leaders for a wealth of different industries including from start-up to scale-up to larger enterprises. Want to know more? Read our case study about how we placed a Chief Information Security Officer using our Critical Hire Product to undertake a large banking restructure.

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